Struggling to get your Home & School online?
- has an easy to manage website
- allows online payments & registration
- simplifies fundraising management
… all without stressing out your volunteers.

Your struggle ends here…
Save Time & Energy
Don’t spend hours looking up different options, comparing & contrasting, ending up with more questions than answers….
We’ve done the research.
No Trial & Error
Don’t put time into something, only to get so far in and realize it won’t be able to do what you want. So frustrating!
We’ve built this for H&S.
Let Us Support You
Our flexible solution, developed over 5 years, will grow and change with your Home & School needs.
We’re committed to your success.
Ready to get the day-to-day of H&S simplified?
With your H&S online portal you’ll receive manuals, video training, and ongoing support from the Online Empowerment team.
Here are just some of the examples of activities you’ll be able to streamline for your Home & School management.
Online Registrations
Work directly from data entered by the fundraiser participants. No more misreading emails or interpreting ambiguous homerooms from paper forms.
Calendar of Events
Keep your community up to date with everything going on at your school. Create events and link directly to online registration when applicable.
Fundraiser Management
Access manuals and training videos for repeat fundraisers, and pass on from year to year. Historical data is maintained in the Portal.
Digital Newsletter
Take your newsletter online, too. Use the website as your one-stop communication tool for all things related to H&S.
Email Communication
Connect fundraisers to an email list and easily send relevant updates that participants will appreciate receiving.
Payment Processing
Allow registrants to pay by credit card and/or through PayPal with online payments*. You get transparency and easy record keeping.
*cheque payment option available
Central School Homeroom List
Set up the list of classes at the beginning of the year and then parents simply select their child’s homeroom from the dropdown when registering (and hopefully get it right).
Post Agendas & Minutes
Post all the past meeting documents on the Portal for safe-keeping and historical reference.

Connect with your Community
Have an easy way to communicate and connect with your parent community virtually. With the H&S Online Portal, or ALL HANDS ONLINE as we like to call it, your team will be able to send updates, offer fundraisers, organize community events, and easily manage all the details.
Free up your H&S members’ time to focus on the important things, like making sure all the teachers have what they need, and ensuring no child is left out.
Have some questions? We bet you do!
We have compiled our most frequently asked questions here. Please request your no-obligation, free chat to discuss these and any other questions you may have.
What if we're just starting to look at getting online?
We have the perfect starting solution for H&Ss that don’t need all the bells and whistles of the ALL HANDS ONLINE Portal. We can set you up with a website that will accept online donations and membership payments, and allow you to showcase your fundraisers offered through 3rd party websites. We’ll show you how to add the link from your website, along with how to do all the basic content editing, etc.
This is ideal for highschools and smaller schools that don’t organize hot lunch or other activities themselves.
And since this website would not be processing orders, there are no ongoing fees apart from the annual hosting and domain name.
It’s also a great starting point for schools that WANT to eventually offer online fundraisers, etc. You’ll be set up to easily transition to the ALL HANDS ONLINE Portal when you’re ready.
How much does it cost?
The ALL HANDS ONLINE portal has an initial set up fee of $1,000 and ongoing fees that are on sales made through the website. So, once it is set up, your H&S is only paying when you are earning.
Why is there an ongoing fee on sales through the website?
The up-front cost to set up an e-commerce website with the complexity that the ALL HANDS ONLINE Portal has would simply be out-of-reach for most, if not all, Home & Schools. So we have developed a model where there is a reasonable set up fee, and then you only pay further if/when your website is actively helping you raise funds for your school.
There are a lot of on-going costs to supporting an e-commerce website, including but not limited to premium plugins, updating the website plugins and WordPress to keep it secure, having someone you can contact if something goes wrong, etc.
Most larger companies will get you set up and then you’re on your own.
At Online Empowerment, we truly care about your success as a H&S, and want to alleviate as many of the technical challenges as possible so you can focus on serving and supporting your school community. And we strive to make it as affordable as possible. Our success is directly tied to your success, so we’re going to do our absolute best to make sure you’re having success with your ALL HANDS ONLINE Portal!
How long does it take to get set up?
Once we’ve received confirmation from your H&S, you will be scheduled in the next available spot. We can accommodate up to 2 new sites in a month. Expect about a 3-month wait.
Do we have to always pay to use the ALL HANDS ONLINE Portal?
There is a clause in the contract offering a provision to opt to a ‘support only’ plan after the first year, only at the beginning of the school year when these decisions are being made. There is a fee to do so, but know that the option is there.
We’ve served on H&S for over 7 years so we understand that H&S executives change and so do the priorities and needs. We like to think your H&S will continue to see the benefit of the portal, especially during transitions with H&S executive.
You will also benefit from all the future upgrades and improvements to the system as long as your H&S stays on the sales-based model. We are constantly learning and improving the functionality and making sure it is as easy to use as possible.
What if we're just starting to look at getting online?
We have the perfect starting solution for H&Ss that don’t need all the bells and whistles of the ALL HANDS ONLINE Portal. We can set you up with a website that will accept online donations and membership payments, and allow you to showcase your fundraisers offered through 3rd party websites. We’ll show you how to add the link from your website, along with how to do all the basic content editing, etc.
This is ideal for highschools and smaller schools that don’t organize hot lunch or other activities themselves.
And since this website would not be processing orders, there are no ongoing fees apart from the annual hosting and domain name.
It’s also a great starting point for schools that WANT to eventually offer online fundraisers, etc. You’ll be set up to easily transition to the ALL HANDS ONLINE Portal when you’re ready.
This all sounds great! How do I present this to my H&S?
We would be happy to chat with you about your H&S situation and give you some documentation you can bring to your next H&S meeting. We could even present at your H&S meeting via zoom, if schedules allow.
Simply click on Contact Us to schedule a no-obligation, free chat with us!
Get Started Towards a Simplified H&S in 3 Steps
Book a Free Call
Click the Get Started button to schedule your no-obligation, 30-minute call to ask any questions you have about the ALL HANDS ONLINE portal.
Discuss at Your Next H&S Meeting
Once you’ve asked all your questions, and received your meeting debrief package as part of your call follow-up, you can feel confident presenting the ALL HANDS ONLINE concept to your H&S team at your next meeting.
Receive Approval
We recognize this system will require some discussion and may take a few meetings before everyone comes to an agreement. We’re happy to answer new questions that arise, or possibly present at your next meeting (via zoom, if we’re available). When approval is received, let us know right away and we will schedule your H&S into the next available launch spot!

For the Home and School that is ready to take all your H&S operations (communication, fundraising management, and more) online with a robust system that will grow and serve your H&S with your fundraising and community building efforts for years to come.
More that just a website, the ALL HANDS ONLINE portal makes managing your H&S activities easier and more streamlined, with support along the way.
H&S Website Only
For the Home and School that needs a website, but doesn't run fundraisers online, yet. We can get you set up and ready to communicate with your community, and take the first steps towards accepting online donations and showcasing your fundraisers.
And when ready, you'll have the framework in place making an easier transition to upgrade to the full ALL HANDS ONLINE portal.
Ready to get started?
Get in touch